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Inc. Magazine: Experts Share How Leaders Can Make a Real Impact at Work

by: Adam Fridman, Inc., October 2, 2017

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This is an excerpt from a longer article 

Make Connections to Purpose

"People may not always realize it, but their future is happening now," says David Cunningham, M. Ed., a communication and leadership expert who has led seminars and courses to more than 100,000 people as a Senior Program Leader for Landmark. "The future you envision is what empowers you in the present."

According to Cunningham, employees who see a future for themselves with an organization where they can make a difference and express their talents are more empowered in their day to day activities. Says Cunningham, "When people are connected to a purpose, they are more satisfied and productive."

That sense of connection comes from aligning organizational and individual purpose. "You want people to experience their contribution and fulfillment inside the enterprise," says Cunningham. "Everyone should be working toward the same things, from the CEO to the employees."

Connection also comes from understanding what motivates people. "Transformation happens when we empower people to see how they fit into the whole and the difference they make. People's behavior shifts when they see themselves as being on a journey toward something greater."