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Leading in Central MA: Justin Jarboe, CEO, The Jarboe Group

by: Martin Cleary, GoLocal Worcester, January 14, 2014

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While in my Self Expression and Leadership program at Landmark Worldwide I discovered that I am not doing this world a service by hiding in the shadows. The world doesn't need any more people settling for mediocrity. At that moment I knew I wanted a bigger life. I wanted to help people. We formed The Jarboe Foundation, INC in 2013.


Justin Jarboe began his sales career in 2006, and joined Keller Williams Realty in 2010. During his transition to professional sales he was a firefighter for eight years, and completed his service as a Lieutenant. Justin currently serves as the CEO of The Jarboe Group, the President of The Jarboe Foundation, and a managing partner at Jarboe Doggart Photography. Among other responsibilities, Justin is the finance chair on the board of directors at the Worcester based Keller Williams Market Center. Justin also instructs regularly at their training center, and has been a featured panelist at the Keller Williams national and regional conventions and started his own foundation. He and his wife Alicia enjoy art, cooking, health and wine tasting - aspiring to own their own vineyard someday.

A Conversation with Justin Jarboe

SW: Can you describe your career in real estate?
JJ: My career in real estate has been more like a lifestyle and a way of being. It is all about networking and connecting with people on a regular basis and offering to help them. There are too many people in the business who don't care about their clients. We take a consulting approach and honor our fiduciary obligations all of the time. It is also all about helping people and running a business not just selling real estate.

SW: What led you to that career?
JJ: Despite being told it was a bad idea from many of the people I surrounded myself with at the time, an opportunity was presented to me that I acted on. It was something I had pondered for quite a while actually. The whole thought of running my own business and reaping what I sow rather than punching a time clock appealed to me.

SW: How did the Jarboe Foundation come about?
JJ: Creating a non-profit was a goal of mine from a couple years ago. I initially envisioned doing it later in life. However, after becoming friends with Jairek Robbins (Life coach and professional speaker), he inspired me to get involved and help people less fortunate now. The Anthony Robbins Foundation’s basket brigade was the vehicle we used. After completing the Thanksgiving Basket Brigade for the second year in a row, we decided to take on more and continue to help others. While in my Self Expression and Leadership program at Landmark Worldwide I discovered that I am not doing this world a service by hiding in the shadows. The world doesn't need any more people settling for mediocrity. At that moment I knew I wanted a bigger life. I wanted to help people. We formed The Jarboe Foundation, INC in 2013.

SW: What exactly do you support? Can you talk a little about what the foundation did in 2013?
JJ: The Jarboe Foundation, INC supports underprivileged people in our community who are struggling to get by. We investigate their needs and assess how to help them. From feeding the hungry to improving the holidays, we are making a difference and taking a stand for our community. Letting each person know that someone is there for him or her, and that they matter. We restore hope to people at a low point in their lives and inspire them to get up and fight back. We promote the idea of giving back and paying it forward to others when they are in a position to do so. In 2013 we helped 28 families (90+ people) to have Thanksgiving who otherwise would not have. We also took on a project called “Everyone Enjoys Xmas” and helped 40 families (125+ people) have the Christmas that everyone deserves. We discovered what each family's needs and wishes were and purchased them. We hand wrapped every item to keep the spirit of Christmas alive, and delivered prior to Christmas. The impact is profound!

SW: Can you describe one particular family the foundation helped?
JJ: I would like to share a letter one of our delivery people wrote me. “During one of the many deliveries of Christmas presents to those families struggling through the holiday season, I encountered a family that touched me. Upon knocking on their front door, I was greeted by a woman who looked puzzled as to why I was there. I explained that I was from The Jarboe Foundation and that we had heard that she might need a little help this Christmas, at which time I presented her with a large bag full of wrapped presents. She stood there awestruck and placed her hand over her mouth as tears started to fill her eyes. She struggled to say something but couldn’t as she was clearly over run with emotion. I then noticed that her two young grandchildren were behind her, and had clearly witnessed everything and they started to jump around and cheer, “ We are gonna get to have Christmas!”. At that moment she couldn’t help but start to weep and repeatedly say “ Thank you” as she stood there not knowing what to think. As I got back in my car and prepared to head to the next home, I saw her still standing in the doorway with her hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes and the sounds of the enthusiastic children celebrating in the background could be heard. As I drove away, she just stood, watching me still shocked and full of appreciation. At that moment, it meant as much to me as to them. It was one feeling that I’ll never forget.”

SW: Can you describe a typical day in your life?
JJ: Without writing an autobiography, I’ll run you through my typical day. I get up at 7:00am sharp and recite my affirmations. After my eyes are open, and I'm awake, I drink a big glass of water to immediately hydrate. I will either read from the book I am currently reading or journal. I rise, stretch, and get ready for the day. At 830 or 845 depending on the day I will jump on my roleplay call with fellow Realtors. We practice different scenarios and give feedback to improve our negotiation skills. I promptly show up at my office for 9am and follow my schedule from there. Between lead generating for new business, following up on current business, and setting and going on appointments that's pretty much my day. My wife Alicia and I have recently added Electronic shutdown to our schedules at 8pm to improve our time together at home.

SW: What is your dream career?
JJ: I'm living my dream. Although I am not in the position my dream holds right now, I know that each day I take the steps towards it. The role of my "dream" is more of a mentoring / coaching role. Its one of helping people achieve more than they thought they could. Its inspiring others to life a large life. Helping others be happy and enjoy life, and not just sit on the sidelines waiting for it to show up.

SW: What do you do away from your career?
JJ: When I’m not occupied by my real estate business, photography company, or the foundation, I'm spending as much time as possible with my amazing wife Alicia. We do everything together! From watching movies, to tasting wine and traveling, she is always there with me. We enjoy exploring new places and meeting new people.

SW: Who or what is the biggest influence in your life?
JJ: Wow, to pinpoint that to one person / thing would be difficult. The names that are at the top of the list are: Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins, and John Maxwell. In my primary profession real estate, the top two individuals I look up to and who have had the most influence over me are my former boss David Hill and Adam Hergenrother.

SW: What is a fun fact few people know about you?
JJ: I have made a commitment to be involved in ministry work at some point in my life, and I'm not sure when I will be called to that duty.

SW: Your favorite quote?
JJ: “Be the change you wish to see in the world” -Gandhi

SW: What do you think creates success?
JJ: Hard work and a passion or a BIG WHY that fuels it creates success. Its doing what needs to be done and not allowing the small things that pile up and get in our way to slow us down.

SW: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
JJ: In ten years I will be living from abundance and traveling often. Alicia and I will have children, and we will be living in our dream home. Our real estate business The Jarboe Group will be franchised and duplicated within the Keller Williams Realty models. We will likely open a GC company and own several rental properties. Jarboe Doggart Photography will be the desired photography company of Central Mass. The Jarboe Foundation will be hosting huge fundraisers and making positive impacts on humanity that the World will recognize. Travel to other countries for business will be something of the norm.