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How to Create Powerful Partnership in Tough Times

by: PRNewswire, San Francisco, June 1, 2010

With the economy still shaky, many families remain preoccupied with finances and economic struggles. Landmark Education Communication Expert David Cunningham offers steps couples can take to keep relationships strong. 

"While we can't control everything that happens in life, we have a lot to say about how we react to what happens," says Cunningham, who leads a course called The Landmark Forum offered by Landmark Education, an international training and development company that's had more than 1.2 million people use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships and overall satisfaction in life ( 

A key principle, he says, is for couples to separate their opinions, thoughts and interpretations from the facts of their finances. He offers this exercise based on some of what is taught in the Landmark Forum:

Get clear about the facts – Cunningham advises couples to write down the facts. "Putting it all down on paper in black and white gets you both clear on what the basic facts really are. Note added thoughts, feelings and interpretations – "Maybe your 401(k) is down 50 percent. But your conclusions – thoughts such as We'll never be able to retire or Neither of us is good with money  — are not necessarily true," he says. "These kinds of thoughts can sap power and limit creativity." Create solutions together – Once a couple sorts out the facts, it is easier for them to come up with solutions. "Maybe it's creating your next goal or project, or a promise to make an appointment with a financial planner to talk about options," Cunningham says. "This is your chance to be creative and operate as a team. 

"This is not a one-time exercise," he says. "Whatever you do, make time for regular conversations with your partner and keep the lines of communication open."

David Cunningham is a communication expert and seminar leader for Landmark Education, a personal and professional growth, training and development company generating more than 100,000 community projects around the world. To learn more about these undertakings, please visit